Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Not in a good mood

So I have been happy go lucky lately especially on here becuase I don't want to upset anyone who might read my blog but I don't care that is why it is my blog.
I am really getting sick of the fact that people (mainly lately) only give a damn about themselves and only have time for you if it benefits them. Wake up people this is not friendship. I care about myself yes but I also care about others. Try it sometime!!
I am not a part time friend. I will be there for you anytime you need me. Just ask.

Instead of a nice peaceful blog I might use this for rants. I need somewhere to speak my liberal mind. I am sick of all the closed minded remarks that come when I say what is on my mind. HELLO people I am from a different world entirely. I do not think like you or act like you, that is what makes me, ME. You don't like me I don't care. I have become content with being confined and limited. I am not judged or competed with. I like that.
I can not express political views becuase if I do I am told why my opinion is wrong and then I am made to feel like a fool. Instead of being closed minded and one sided,  I will tell you why your point is valid, but also why I may not agree with it. I am glad I can use this blog, even if only one person reads it, it works for me!!
I have been talking with an old friend the last couple days and remembering what it was like to have someone close.
I don't belong here I belong back in California, I am sure many people here would love it if I happened to find my way back there. That is fine by me. I think about the friends I had there and no one here has yet compared to many people there. I am here becuase I love my husband. I chose him over California. I would probably make the same choice twice. That doesn't mean I am happy here though.
I just have to ask though; will love always be enough?????


  1. "no one here has yet compared to many people there"

    Of course not... because, clearly, I'm incomparable!

  2. You are exactly correct..No one compares to you. Now did I say that was good or bad no... But really no its a good thing...maybe!
